What I Need To Know

One final print  – 4″ x 6″, 5″ x 7″, 8″ x 10″ or 8.5″ x 11″ depending on the size requested is required to place an order.
If you have the intention to frame your restored photo, it can be printed with a white border suitable for framing.

If you have hundreds of images and only require low quality or computer resolution, purchasing your own film / flatbed scanner from Staples or Best Buy might suit your needs.

This site caters to higher quality image photo restoration & reproduction suitable for printing photos to be cherished for years to come.

Consider purchasing a DIGITAL EXACT copy of the FINAL HI-RES photo at 300 DPI (JPG) – for an additional fee. (not included with standard packages) Digital files maybe kept on our storage devices for a limited time and may be deleted without notice after services are rendered and paid in full. Customers who purchased digital files are recommended to have many copies on disk, USB and/or cloud based storage. Digital computer files do not fade or disappear like old negatives or prints. Making prints from-the high res digital files will allow the highest quality image to be printed. Sharing this file means family or friends can look after getting their own prints with their own money, saving you $$$. Using output services such as Walmart, drug stores or home printers will vary in quality. PLEASE NOTE: We are NOT allowed to copy photographs that have a copyright stamp or symbol on them, such as school photos, team photos, magazines, newspapers, etc. If you have a photo with a stamp on the back please contact the listed person or company for reprints. If the photographer has passed away or the company is out of business we would have to review the situation. Anyone with an original negative film will be considered the lawful owner of the image. Any prints or digital files are your property to do with as you wish, once paid in full. Any future reprints would have to be ordered by you or have your approval in writing. We need the photo supplied loose -- not framed or behind glass. Photos larger than 8.5" x 11" will have to copied using a camera on a tripod as opposed to scanning on a high resolution flatbed scanner. These will have a higher cost to digitize the image as it is considered a photography service, not a scanning service. We reserve the right to refuse to copy obscene, offensive, unlawful or objectionable materials. Please contact us for any concerns you may have.

A quick photo with your smart phone, tablet or scanner can allow Ric Wallace to see what you have. Plus answers to these questions LISTED BELOW will help narrow down what you need and if Ric can evaluate over the phone /email to give you an estimate of costs. Copying recently copyrighted photos like school or graduation photos is not allowed, and I will have to turn down any requests like this.

What are you supplying?

Print, Polaroid, instant photos,  tin type, negative, slide, glass plate, digital file from scanner, digital file from camera ,etc – SEE NEXT 2 QUESTIONS

What size of print do you have?

4″ x 6″, 5″ x 7″, 8″ x 10″, 11″ x 14″, 16″ x 20″, etc.

What is the surface texture of the print that you have?

Mat, pearl, silk finish, glossy, ink jet. laser, etc.

What size of film negative or slide do you have – colour or B&W?

110, 127, 120, 6 x 6 cm, 6 x 7 cm, 6 x 9 cm, 4″ x 5″, 5″ x 7″, 8″ x 10″, etc.

Is the image color, black & white, or sepia?

The colour of the photo being supplied.

How is it being supplied?

Loose or in an envelope (preferred)?

Is it framed or mounted behind glass?

What are the problems?

Scratches, marks, missing edge, folded, taped together, water stains, etc.

What is the FINAL size WANTED?

4″ x 5″, 4″ x 6″, 5″ x 7″, 8″ x 10″, 11″ x 14″, 16″ x 20″, etc. This is really important as it will decide the file scan size needed.

Telling me the final print size is 5″ x 7″ and after the job is complete wanting 16″ x 20 ” prints will not yield a very good end result.

Is the FINAL photo being framed and or matted & framed?

Knowing this is useful. For photos being matted, including an additional white border or space around the image accommodates the matting of the image for framing.

It is recommended photos are not in direct contact with glass, as high humidity can cause water vapor that sometimes damages photos.

Another reason not to put a photo directly in contact with glass, in case of an accident where the glass breaks, having a mat in between can protect the image from damage.

When is the FINAL photo needed?

Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, birthdays, Christmas, anniversary, etc. One week, 2 weeks, etc.

How do you want to make payment?

Visa, MasterCard, Debit, TAP, PayPal, cash, etc.

Where are you located and how can we meet or receive your photo?

I prefer to meet in person, in White Rock / South Surrey. Due to COVID-19 issues, I will be wearing a mask and gloves and a outdoor setting is best for both of us. Using Square I can accept credit, debit or tap payments. If you are emailing a photo and that is all you have, I can discuss what can be done. I can even supply this service worldwide by email or allow you to download from our web space. Your photo could be received by Canada Post or courier -make arrangements BEFORE SENDING ANY originals.

Knowing the above will help me find a solution mutually suitable to both parties.

For business owners, restoring photos of your founders or previous locations, etc can be a business expense and used as advertising

You accountant or tax preparer can tell you more on this and you can get the GST / HST back if you are registered for GST/HST.

List of BEST supply methods for the BEST QUALITY RESTORED PHOTO

  1. An original negative
  2. A photo print
  3. High resolution scanned image
  4. Photo supplied taken almost full frame with a digital camera or phone.